The Official Web Site

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

On "Lobster Alice," Dragon*Con, "Relative Chaos" and reading.

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Hello ... every... body.

This is Nicholas Brendon, calling from my home here in beautiful Venice, California. And I am checking one thing on the computer... I apologize. OK, now, where ... do ... we ... start?

Sorry that I've been a bit tardy in my calling. I really do mean, and will, be more on top of the audioblog. I've been very busy doing my first play, I think as a lot of you guys know, and today, Wednesday, is my last day doing this play. Because I am going to be going to Atlanta, for, I think, DragonCon? over the weekend, to meet and greet fans on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. And I'm just sitting in my back yard here with my dog, Steve.

Which, by the way, I do want to take a picture of -- me and Steve, so that you can see what Steve looks like. He's a very beautiful German Shepherd. Steve, come here buddy, come here. Give me a kiss. [Steve growls] Did you hear that? No. No.

So, yeah, so the play was pretty fantastic... you know, except for Noah Wyle. No, I'm joking, I'm joking. I say that because sometimes Noah calls to check my blogs, and I figured I should ... well, I should just talk not nice about him. But he's the greatest guy in the world.

He's so great, actually, that I was emceeing an event for The Blank Theatre Company here, where I'm doing the play, and Noah? Well, he bought me. I auctioned myself off to be a slave for a day, and Noah paid a thousand dollars for my wares. You know, and to be quite honest with you, I was hoping to go for $10,000. But that's my ego talking. Anywho, I think Noah has got some stuff in mind and rest assured that I will call and audioblog everything that he has in mind for me. I'm sure it's a long, long list. He's got me for 13 hours. Captive for 13 hours. And he mentioned something about handcuffs and carrots -- I'm not really quite sure what that means.

So that's that. It was just a fantastic experience doing the play and it's going to be sad tonight! I'm going to have to say bye to my character, and move onto something else. We're hoping to maybe do it somewhere else. Maybe overseas, or New York or San Diego or somewhere, because we had a fantastically beautiful time.

The other thing, is, I've got Relative Chaos coming out this Monday with myself, and Charisma. And Christopher Gorham. And Terry Bradshaw. And that's going to be on ABC Family, I think 8 o'clock, the fourth of September, and I think it's going to be really cute. I have children in this thing -- I play a Congressman with kids.

So, I'm really kind of proud of that. And I would love for you guys to see it. And then, you know, call me at home. Call me at home -- you guys all have my number. Call me at home and let me know what your thoughts were on it. [To the dog: Steven, don't ... don't. Steven's licking the deck, and we don't like Steven to do that.]

I'm trying to think ... what kind of books I'm reading. Hmmm. The Black Dahlia Avenger, which, you know, the movie's coming out. It's kind of based around the James Ellroy novel. But the Black Dahlia Avenger was written by Steve Hodel, whose father, I think, was the murderer, I'm sure as you guys all know. This is all somewhat new to me, even though I'm from L.A.

And I'm trying to think of things that are going on. The play's been so... I've been so entrenched in doing this. And I'm just really just kind of relaxing... and thinking about you guys, pretty much 2-4-7. I dream about you guys. I shower with you guys. I get massages with you guys. And thank you so much for your support. And when I get back from this trip, I'm going to call with an audioblog. I know you're saying sure, sure, sure. But it's true. I'm going to call, let you know how that went, and then kind of write a little, kind of, bullet list of movies that I've seen, things that are going on inside of my brain. So probably, we're looking to skew 18 years and older on the next audioblog. It's going to get pretty racy.

And I hope you guys are all doing well. I have to go shower because we're actually taping. They're doing the making of Destino, which is basically what our play is based on. It was an animated short, created by Dali and the animator played by me -- but I didn't really animate it, because it was back in 1946. It was up for an Oscar in 2004, and ... Disney's releasing it, and they're doing the making of Destino.

Disney is coming to the stage today, to film myself; Dorie Barton, who plays Alice; and Noah, in our play. So we are going to be a part of that beautiful project. I think that's really kind of cool. I've got to be at the stage early, so I'm going to go shower now and say bye to my dog, Steve, and go play at a play.

Like I said, I will call you guys when I get back. Thank you for all the support, and we'll have fun talks in about nine days, all right? Listen, be safe and sane, godspeed, and always look behind you because you never know who's behind you. Alright? See you guys. Bye!

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